RadioActive: October 25, 2018

  • October 25, 2018
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The ACLU Report: The Real Cost Of Operation Rio Grande, a Panel Conversation

Tonight’s lineup:

The one-year anniversary of Operation Rio Grande in August 2018 generated conflicting reviews. Backers cited safer streets and people rebuilding their lives, while detractors criticized the large number of arrests and lack of drug treatment options. 

the ACLU of Utah and Smart Justice Utah took a closer look at the numbers and reality behind Operation Rio Grande and generated a report called Calculating The Real Cost Of Operation Rio Grande

On October 18, 2018 at Centro Civico Mexicano, The RadioActive team of Lara Jones and Billy Palmer moderated a panel conversation based on the report. 

  • The Panelists included: 
    • Mike Brown, Cheif of Police, Salt Lake City
    • Kate Conyers, former public defender and now private defense attorney at Conyers & Nix
    • Adam Cohen, CEO of Odyssey House
    • Matt Melville, Director of Homeless Services at Catholic Community Services of Utah


Got a story you'd like to share on the show? Record a voice memo on your smart phone, then email it to Keep it under 3 minutes and be sure to include a name and phone number in the body of the message.


RadioActive is a production of Listeners' Community Radio of Utah. Tonight's team included:

  • Exec. Producer/Host: Lara Jones
  • Assoc. Producer/Host: Billy Palmer