RadioActive May 8, 2017

  • May 8, 2017
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Exploring expressive therapies like art, music and movement, Utah Pride Center and youth Pride Festival 

Hosted  by Loud and Clear's MiaBella and Veda, tonoights show featured:

Salvador Torres of The Utah Pride Center stopped in to talk about gearing up for the Youth Pride Festival on Pride week.

Loud and Clear Students, explored how expressive therapies like art, music and movement therapy allow young people to express and work through their mental health issues differently than traditional talk therapy. Guests: Mary Whyte, Director of Pure Progression Music Therapy, board certified art therapist Malissa Morrell of The Therapy Studio, Joni Wilson, Dance Teacher from Dancers With Disabilities at Tanner Dance, Nathan Dunn, student and dancer at Dancers
Wtih Disabilities and his mom rounded out the Pnael.