"The vote is the most powerful, non-violent tool we have in a democratic society."
2025 General Session of the Utah Legislature runs Jan. 21- Mar. 7: Utah State Legislature has a website where you can track bills, listen and watch debates, and find your lawmakers. It's your tax dollars at work!
2025 Legislative Trackers:
2025 Election Cycle Dates to Remember:
June 2-9: Traditional candidate filing period
July 22: By-mail Primary Election ballots mailed to voters
August 11: Ballot postmark deadline
August 12: Municipal Primary Election Day
August 12-19: Ranked choice candidate filing period
September 8: Last day for write-in candidate to declare candidacy
October 14: By-mail General Election ballots mailed to voters
November 4: Municipal General Election Day
Utah Voter Resources
Sign Up for Election Email Notifications in Salt Lake County
ENGLISH 866-OUR-VOTE 866-687-8683
SPANISH/ENGLISH 888-VE-Y-VOTA 888-839-8682
ARABIC/ENGLISH 844-YALLA-US 844-925-5287
Civic Engagement Resources:
Utah State Legislature has a website where you can track bills, listen and watch debates, and find your lawmakers. It's your tax dollars at work!
State of Utah Boards and Commissions, information on Utah's boards and commissions, including board members, authority, expiring terms, vacancies, and other valuable information. Don’t want to run for office? Apply to serve on a board or commission.