Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

KRCL's 45th Anniversary Ale Launch at Fisher Brewing Co.

RadioACTive broadcasts live to toast 45 Years with beer collab and liquor law talk


RadioACTive Celebrates 2024 Indigenous People's Day

It's an Indigenous People's Day RadioACTive Special! We're talking with Navajo musician/singer Talibah Begay. Then we sit down with Westsiders Maria Garciaz of NeighborWorks Salt Lake and Dave Galvan of Mestizo Coffeehouse. And Jacob Crane stops by to share about the Red Canyon Powwow as we celebrate all that is Native and fabulous in Utah.


CO Pueblo Chile Season Now Rivals NM

It's all part of Punk Rock Farmer Friday, celebrating all things agrihood and homegrown, from Boo-quets to Skywatcher Leo T, CO chile peppers to the election and the food on your plate, and music from Jim Bone and the Dig.


Japantown Update and Indigenous Art Market Returns

RadioACTive, the Talanoa Way. Tune in and talk story as we center our Indigenous and Asian community with Suzanne Ruhlman, Natural History Museum of Utah and their Annual Indigenous Art Market. Then we are checking in with Japantown advocates, Former Utah State Senator, Jani Iwamoto and community organizer, Trey Imamura about recent updates.