Community Affairs

Hear stories and interviews about the people and issues that shape Utah. 

2024 Legislative Session Over!

Potentially billions for pro sports stadiums, $25M for a new homeless shelter. RadioACTive logs the hits and misses of the Utah Legislature with the League of Women Voters of Utah, ACLU Utah, Equality Utah, and the AFL-CIO.


Soil to Soul Awakening with Spirit Farm.

Plus, homegrown music from Head Portals, Culture Coffee, SLCPL Seed Swap, Red Acre Center, and Skywatcher Leo T.


Talanoa Mental Health Expert Discusses Finding Purpose Through Self-Awareness + Healing

RadioACTive the Talanoa Way, with Stephanie Mahina. Tune in as she talks story and dives deep into Utah's Pasifika community. This week we have the Celia Moleni of Manaaki Mental Health as she shares the importance of self awareness, especially in our Pasifika communities. Then musical artist, ms.communicated is stopping by to share her musical talents and then we sit down with Director, Cam Houston.


Sen. Mitch McConnell gives up leadership position.

How will this breaking news change the U.S. Senate? RadioACTive talks with Pulitzer-nominated author Ira Shapiro. Plus, Press Freedom Foundation on federal prosecution of Florida journalist, SLTrib on Utah playwright with 3 plays on the boards, and local Disney On Ice skater.