Events for Lectures/Discussions

Pixel Gallery

Teens at Spy Hop have been working hard for the last ten months designing and programming a video game about an issue they care about: our planet. The video game, Dig, Shovel, Go, is now ready to launch, and we want YOU there to be one of the first to play it. This FREE event also celebrates the remarkable work of all Spy Hop’s design students. Meander the Urban Arts Gallery and enjoy the 2D and 3D artwork! The Pixel Gallery will include a Q&A with the students, a gallery stroll, a chance to play the game, and light refreshments. Visit for more info!

Incense Making & Home Clearing: A Feng Shui workshop with Melissa Grant

Interested in clearing old energy out of your home? Our homes heavily influence our health and well being and this workshop will give you the tools to cultivate a healthy space. This workshop will teach various methods to clearing out old energy and welcoming the new. We’ll learn about the wood element and make wood powder incense for you to take home. We’ll finish up by doing a practice run through of a home clearing so you can go home and apply the methods. *Please bring a small to-go container for your incense. About Melissa: Melissa Grant is a Feng Shui Consultant and Interior Designer. Melissa offers in-home consultations, Feng Shui home reports, and home readings. You can see design projects and discover more information on her website

Painting Figures

Bomba Marilé invites you to join us for a full day of free music and workshops related to Puerto Rican bomba and how we paint figures as we dance. We are thrilled to be bringing back, directly from Puerto Rico, renowned bomba practitioners Nuno Calderon Pou and Marcos Peñaloza Pica. Join us on Saturday August 24th at the Sorenson Unity Center 1383 S 900 W SLC from 10am-7pm. Thanks to the Western States Arts Federation, National Endowment for the Arts, the Sorenson Unity Center, and the Zoo Arts and Parks, the entire day is free and open to all. The morning will consist of a lecture on the history of and making of Vejigante masks from Loiza. The afternoon will have a free bomba dance workshop focusing on making figures in our dance. The evening will include live bomba music outdoors in which Bomba Marilé and guests artists will be painting with our feet as we dance. The fabric we paint on will later be used to create skirts for future bomba dancing. Afterwards, the audience is invited to sing, drum, and dance with us in a space of healing and creativity. 10am-12 Lecture on Vejigante Masks by Marcos Peñaloza Pica 2-4pm Bomba Dance Workshop by Nuno Calderon Pou 4:30-7pm Live Bomba Music and Dance

Bomba Marilé los invita a unirse con nosotros para un día lleno de música, talleres gratuitos sobre la bomba puertorriqueña, y cómo pintamos figuras mientras bailamos. Estamos encantados de traer de nuevo, directamente desde Puerto Rico, a los renombrados maestros de bomba Nuno Pou Calderón y Marcos Peñaloza Pica. Vengan el sábado 24 de agosto en el Sorenson Unity Center, 1383 S 900 W SLC de 10 a.m. a 7 p.m. Gracias a Western States Arts Federation, National Endowment for the Arts, the Sorenson Unity Center, and the Zoo Arts and Parks, todo el día es gratuito y abierto para todos. En la mañana tendremos una plática sobre la historia y confección de las máscaras de Vejigante de Loíza. Por la tarde podrán tomar un taller gratuito de baile de bomba centrado en la creación de figuras en nuestro baile. La noche incluirá música de bomba en vivo al aire libre en donde Bomba Marilé y los artistas invitados estaremos pintando con nuestros pies mientras bailamos. La tela sobre la que pintamos se utilizará para crear faldas para futuros bailes de bomba. Se invita al público a cantar, tocar tambor, y bailar bomba con nosotros en un espacio de sanación y creatividad. 10am-12 Platica sobre las Máscaras de Vejigantes con Marcos Peñaloza Pica 2-4pm Taller de Baile de Bomba con Nuno Calderón Pou 4:30-7pm Música y Baile de Bomba en Vivo

Urban Regeneration and Sustainability

Sustainable Economy and Ecotechnology (SEE)

SEE’s objective is to establish an interactive and interdisciplinary forum where attendees can explore cutting-edge developments, exchange creative perspectives, and collaboratively tackle the emerging complexities within the realms of environmental and economic dynamics. Through captivating keynote presentations, insightful workshops, and participatory dialogues, the conference seeks to cultivate an atmosphere of curiosity, cooperation, and forward-looking vision. As we navigate the intricate terrain where economics intersects with environmental concerns, our goal is to spark transformative insights and sustainable strategies. Join us in this intellectual voyage, where together we strive to shape a future that harmonizes economic progress with environmental stewardship. website: