
Winter Market at the Gateway

Urban Food Connections is committed to helping our community connect with and support local food producers year-round. The Winter market exists to strengthen and support small local farms and businesses. The Market features local produce, meat, eggs, cheese, baked goods, sauces, chocolate, arts and crafts and much more.

The Downtown Farmers Market is returning to The Gateway for the Winter Season. This year the location will be at 32 North Rio Grande just North of the Olympic Fountain.  Easy free parking can be found on 500 West or you can try the convenient parking garage at 451 West 100 South (the first hour is FREE)

The Winter Market will be held on Saturdays between 10am to 2pm from November 9th through April 19th and is presented by Urban Food Connections and The Downtown Alliance

More information online

Plant Potting and Navigating Relationships Workshop

Join us for an interactive plant potting workshop and discussion for teens! Navigating relationships is anything but straightforward. Relieve stress through a free plant potting activity, and connect with peers about the challenges and rewards of building healthy friendships and romantic relationships. Topics will include healthy conflict, rejection, and safety planning. Plus, get a free plant!

Sylvester, the Mouse with the Musical Ear

Sylvester and his sister, Adelaide are two mice that love the country and all the beautiful sounds it makes. Suddenly, when a city takes over their meadow, they have to find a new home. After hearing beautiful music coming from a music store, they move in and take up residence in a guitar. Come to our free puppet show and see what happens as they play the guitar and everyone thinks it is magical! Our show is great for kids of all ages February 15, 2:00 and 3:00 pm SLC Library, Main Branch, room B 210 East 400 South SLC, UT

OLE 60 Outta My Way Tour with special guest Sons Of Habit

Sultan + Shepard Circle In Time: Live

SLUG Mag's 36th Anniversary Party


Christian Lee Hutson - North America Tour 2025 Allegra Krieger

"Les Femmes De Velour" (Bands TBA)